Saturday, September 24, 2011

Surprise!!! Mail Call for 09/24

Well the story about the surprise part was that when I was looking out my window I noticed that Mr MM did NOT put anything into my mailbox. So I said to my sister in law (SIL), "Something must be wrong, we got no mail." LMAO

When I logged into facebook, I noticed that her status was my quote and joke about it but my name was left out, mind you. Of course, everyone knew who this person was! LOL It was all in good fun and those who know me know how serious I am.. NOT!

So back to the story as to why this is a surprise. Well, I went downstairs to check up on laundry and I realized that I DID get a freebie!!  I love MR MM!!
I received my November issue of Martha Stewart LIVING!  So take that SIL!!

Well at least I can say I am keeping my post office in business! :P

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