Thursday, September 22, 2011

Mail Call from 09/20

I'm a bit behind because I am having pc issues that hopefully by the end of the day it will be fixed. This is what I received on September 20, 2011 in  the mail.
  • P&G Sampler which included free samples of Head & Shoulder, Prilosec, Always pads, and a $1 off coupon for Gain. If you are not part of P & G Everyday Solutions you are missing out. All these samples came in one box!! Head over here to read more about P & G Everyday Solutions.
  • Free sample of Crest Complete toothpaste and a sample of Scope Dual Blast from I also received a $2.50 worth of coupon inside the box. I posted this sample giveaway right here if you don't remember.
  • Woman's Day October issue came in the mail as well.
Overall, this was a good Mail Call, did you get any freebies today?

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