Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Mail Call!! 09/06/2011

Let's begin shall we?
Today my fantastic mailman brought a few freebies and here they are;

  • 2 free samples of Ecover Automatic Dishwasher Tablets. I requested this freebie on their Facebook page. (no longer available)
  • My free Bridal Guide (Nov/Dec 2011) magazine. I requested it on this site right here, just fill out the form.
  • Two samples of Miracle Whip which I posted here.
  • My free birthday card I posted here. I know some of you requested it as well.
  • Free coupon ($6.00 value) of Oscar Mayer Selects Hot Dogs. This was a Facebook promotion already expired. I participated and this is the reward!
So there you have it. Did you receive any freebie or freebies today?

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